The Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren is a place to deepen faith, proclaim peace, embrace community, welcome others, and serve our neighbor in the compassionate spirit of Jesus.


Sundays @ 9:30am

Get involved in the community…

  • Please contact Dan McFadden to volunteer and serve with our Soup Kettle ministry.

    Contact Ralph Miner to join our monthly trip (second Monday) and volunteer at the Northern Illinois Food Bank.

  • To learn more about connecting with our church’s service and social justice ministries or to serve on a Ministry Team for Highland Avenue contact:

    Community Engagement Team - Cheryl Gray, chairperson

    Green Team Committee - Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, chairperson

  • Our Pastoral Care Team is here to support in your time of need. Whether it be providing support during a loss, health challenge, or just needing some extra support and someone to listen, we are here to help.  Conversations are confidential and can be arranged at your convenience.  Please reach out to a Pastoral Care Team member, or the office to share a prayer request and/or request a visit.